- +91 98203 33240
- drsumitap@yahoo.com
Dr. (Vaidya) Sumita Prajapati’sÂ
The causes of Indigestion are eating deep fried food, red meat, stale, fermented, wheat, refined wheat, excess candies, excess raw food, microwave food, Incompatible foods and wrong combinations like milk and salty food together eating without appetite. Drinking excess water during meals. Eating dry, heavy, and cold meals regularly. Excess late nights and Day time Sleep. Sedentary or stressful lifestyle, Frozen food Cold drinks/ chilled water and ice creams.
How to find out if you have indigestion?
anorexia, gastric hyperacidity, burning in gastric and chest region, acidic regurgitation, Stomach pain and burning, giddiness, nausea, vomiting , headache, bitterness and sourness in mouth ( Saliva ), gas trouble, flatulence, burning urination, burning of hands, feet and eyes, elevated body temperature and itching on body.
1) Impairment of the energy, strength, complexion & stamina.
2) Bloating & abnormal movement of air in the abdomen.
3) Constipation, Loose stools or not well formed stools
4) Impairment of long-life, strength & life force (ojas).
5) Proves fatal for body, mind, intellect & senses.
6) Impairment of purity of Tissues.
7) Causation of eighty varieties of Vata Diseases.
8) Diseases due to blockages in metabolism and digestion.
Supplements for balancing digestion:
Colocare Supitta Apitta Amritkala
Kitchen remedies for balancing digestion:
Take ½ inch fresh Ginger root and boil with 2 glass water to half and drink 2-4 times a day
Take 2 pinch ajawain seeds add in a cup of warm water and take twice a day on empty stomach it will immediately remove gases from the stomach
Roast ajawain seeds, dill seeds and white sesame seeds in equal quantity, store in a airtight jar and chew after every meals as a mouth freshener and digestive.
This kitchen remedies Makes a BIG Difference in Digestion and Metabolism.
To Avoid or reduce:Â Tomatoes (Any form Fresh, Sauce, Canned etc.), Okra, Egg Plants, Potatoes and Mushrooms. Deep Fried Foods, Wheat Products, Dairy Products, Cold Drinks & Soda and Salad (No Raw Vegetables).
To Take and Enjoy:Â Plenty of Vegetables and Especially Green Leafy Vegetables except the Vegetables mentioned above. Please make sure All Vegetables are Completely Cooked.
Moong Dal (Moong Soup) and in all forms such as Whole Moong, Split Moong, and Yellow Moong should be consumed daily. For the Recipe of Moong Bean Soup
You may prepare Breads, Chapatti and Roti using SPELT FLOUR instead of Wheat.
In Dairy Category Avoid all types of Cheese, Especially Old and aged variety. You may enjoy Fresh Cheese such as Cottage Cheese, Fresh Mozzarella and Indian Paneer. Avoid Yoghurt.
Symptoms and Remedies of Indigestion
Avoid Fermented foods and heavy beans like cheek peas and kidney beans. Eat Drink warm water 3-4 times a day.
1 tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 pinch asafoetida (hing)
¼ tsp. dry ginger powder
¼ tsp. black salt
½ cup water
Mix together and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
Use this recipe when burning is felt directly after eating
1 tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp. coriander powder
1 tsp. fennel seed powder
½ tsp. raw sugar cane juice (if desired)
½ cup water
Blend all the ingredients together and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
Diarrhoea and Dysentery
Herbs Colocare, Supitta, Apan, Apitta.
Kitchen Remedies for Diarrhoea
1. Soak 1 tsp. of poppy seeds and 1 pinch of nutmeg in a little water over night. Make into a paste and eat. Repeat 2-3 times throughout the day.
2. ¼ tsp. dry ginger powder
1 tsp. cumin powder
½ tsp. raw cane sugar
½ cup water
Mix and drink this remedy 3-6 times daily. For patients with acidity add 1 tsp. coriander powder.
3. Drink small amounts of ginger water throughout the day.
To prevent diarrhoea whilst travelling drink a tea made from 1 tsp.cumin powder, 1 tsp. coriander powder, ¼ tsp. ginger powder and ½ tsp. raw cane sugar in ½ cup of water. Drink this tea 3-6 times daily.
4. Boil the skin of ½ a pomegranate in 2 cups of water and reduce the liquid by half. Filter and drink twice a day.
5. 2 tsp. curd, ½ tsp. cumin powder, ½ tsp. coriander powder Mix together and eat 1 tsp. with food 2-3 times in the day. Take until the diarrhoea stops.
Ayurveda is an over 5000-year-old Ancient Science of health and longevity which is coming as it is from the ancient time. Dr. Sumita Prajapati is an M.D. (in Mumbai India). After completing studies in western and ayurvedic medicines, she has experience of 12 years as a practitioner of Ayurvedic and Western diagnostic and therapeutic techniques including Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis. She has worked in India extensively and has worked with more then 1,80,000 clients in USA, Canada, London and Europe, doing pulse readings, conducting speeches on Ayurvedic benefits for healthy living. Dr.Sumita was a speaker for Southwest College of Naturopathy in Phoenix and Botanical Medicine Symposium in Ashville. Her main focus is to bring about an inner transformation from the root of a person’s being. With the deep pulse evaluation, Ayushanti herbal formulas and other limbs at Ayushanti, she works on several levels
An Ideal Breakfast
In the evening place some water in a pan and soak at least 10 black raisins, 2-3 dates and some dried figs and apricots if desired. (Dried fruits should either be soaked over night or cooked into a compote.) You can also soak a combination of any of the following seeds and nuts: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, blanched almonds, hazelnuts, shredded coconut, sesame and linseeds (flax). In the morning bring the water and soaked fruits etc. to the boil and add 2 tsp. cinnamon powder and 4 crushed cardamoms. Then pour in rolled oats and cook until soft. Experiment with adding different grains such as flaked millet, popped quinoa, amaranth etc. and try altering the flavor by adding 1 tsp. fennel seeds. To make the porridge creamier, use Oatly (oat milk), Soya or rice milk. If you like it really sweet, add any syrup of your choice (date, barley, rice, maple etc.), fruit spreads or hazelnut and almond butter.
Home Remedies for Arthritis
Symptoms are severe pain in the affected joints. Muscles, ligaments and cartilage become inflamed. Movement of the joint becomes extremely painful, especially in cold, windy and damp weather. It is notable that if this disease is not taken care of properly at the initial stages the joint becomes immobile and may also become permanently deformed.
Kapha Balancing Diet and Lifestyle
Ayurveda describes Kapha diet, herbal remedies, Panchkarma, marma, yoga, alternative medicines, ayurveda massage with herbal powders, meditation and lifestyle for weight loss, Diabetes, Respiratory problems, Asthma and ayurvedic skin care
A kapha pacifying diet favors warm foods with minimum of oil and fat cooked without much of water and hot beverages. Eat freshly prepared vegetable and legume dishes, with proportionately smaller amounts of grains and fruits. The food should be spiced according to taste.
Avoid leftovers, packaged, bottled foods, processed foods, preservatives, artificial ingredients, Sweet, heavy, deep fried and salty foods.
Taste preferences:Â Bitter, Astringent and Pungent
Foods to Avoid or Reduce
According to Ayurveda avoid large quantities of food–especially at night. Avoid oily and greasy (deep fried) foods, cold (raw) or re-heated foods, heavy foods such as frozen or canned foods and sweet, sour and salty tastes. Avoid cold drinks, cold food, and frozen desserts, ice cream, popsicles, frozen yogurt, rich, creamy foods, sweets, salty foods and alcohol.
Legumes : Tofu, tempeh, chick peas and soy.
Grains : Wheat, rice, all yeasted or sourdough breads.
Fruits : avocado and banana.
Vegetables : Sweet potatoes, tapioca and cucumber
Dairy and beverages : Cold water or drinks, cheese, ice cream, sour cream and yoghurt.
Sweeteners : refined sugar, cake and chocolate.
Non vegetarian : Eggs, meat, seafood.
SPICES Cumin, Coriander, fennel, cardamom, parsley, fresh basil, mint
Foods to enjoy:
According to Ayurveda enjoy a lighter diet of less rich foods. Favor dry, light and crunchy foods. Favor pungent (hot, spicy), bitter and astringent tastes.
Legumes ; Mung, lentils & beans.
Grains : Barley, millet, corn, buckwheat, rye, quinoa, Couscous and oats and whole grain breads (toasted).
Vegetables : All green leafy vegetables, carrot, beets, white potatoes, artichoke, broccoli, corn, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, bell pepper, green beans & peas, sprouts, tender radish. In small amounts tomato, asparagus, zucchini.
Fruits : Apples, pears, figs, papaya, guava, pomegranate, cranberries, persimmon and dry fruits (sulfur free).
Dairy and beverages : Organic skim milk (boiled and served hot), small amounts of ghee. Tea, herbal tea, spice or cinnamon tea.
Spices : Heating spices – ginger, black pepper, cumin, mustard seeds, ajwain, saffron, hing, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anise, fennel, coriander, dill, mint, garlic, nutmeg,
Tamarind, sea salt, lemon juice.
Nuts and seeds : Small portions of sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds, pecans and walnuts.
Oils : Mustard, corn, sesame, olive, flaxseed (all used sparingly).Ghee in small amounts. Use Olive oil for alternate day massage before bathing.
Sweeteners : Raw honey which is not baked or cooked (add after heating has ceased) and jaggery.
Non vegetarian : Chicken
1. Get moving. Physically, get some exercise every single day. Mentally, challenge yourself with new activities—learn a new skill, solve some puzzles or take a class. Emotionally, welcome new relationships in your life by making it a point to meet people—volunteering comes naturally to the caring Kapha nature and can provide a forum for building nurturing new bonds.
2. Start your day with a light breakfast. Eat a sustaining meal at lunch and a lighter meal for dinner. Drink warm ginger tea before food to stimulate the usually slow digestive fire of kapha. Fasting on Khichadi Diet is advised for kapha people, It the best way to bring down the heaviness of the body.
3. Daily elimination is very important to prevent ama from accumulating in the body. Herbal remedies described in ayurveda is a tea spoonful of castor oil at bedtime with warm ginger tea helps promote regularity as well as toning the digestive system. Most common herbal remedy is Triphala which is gentle, not habit forming and not depleting, it can also be taken indefinitely to maintain regularity.
4. Taking a dry massage with herbal powders that are hot in potency is very good for balancing the kapha dosha. It melts the excessive fat under the skin & eliminates them Deep-cleanse oily skin twice a day with a natural cleanser to rid the skin of surface impurities and grime. Once a week, exfoliate your skin with a cleansing scrub or chickpea flour with coriander powder. Shampoo your hair every other day at least with a gentle natural shampoo. The warm ayurvedic oil massage, performed alternate days at night and kept overnight can help dislodge embedded toxins and increase natural energy levels. Taking bath with hot water is also equally good. It gives an immediate energy & lightness of body.
5. Protect yourself from the damp and cold. Drink lots of warm water, infused with warming spices such as turmeric, dried ginger and black pepper. At-home steam therapy can help open clogged channels. Taking sunbath and exposure to hot and dry wind is good.
6.Ayurveda says kapha people tend to put on weight. So following a proper exercise regime helps to maintain weight. Vigorous activities are ideal exercise for Kapha-dominant people. Exercise everyday for best results, but without overstraining. Racquetball, singles tennis, jogging and aerobics are good activity choices for balancing Kapha. Exercise and meditation in the morning if you can to get a good charge for the day ahead and If proper exertion is not given, it may lead to sleepiness and to laziness.Also herbal remedies should be used to digest the excess mucus and fat.
7. If Kapha dosha is out of balance, you’ll tend to feel tired even after a solid ten hours of uninterrupted sleep. Go to bed early and wake up really early in the morning, definitely before sunrise, to improve the quality of your rest. Do not indulge in daytime snoozes.
8. Add zest to your life by consciously incorporating variety and new experiences into your life. Travel, meeting new people and trying new hobbies are ways to embrace change.Frequent indulgence in sex is also good for kapha people.
9. Set aside about 30 minutes each day for meditation, to help balance the heart, mind and emotions and to enhance body-mind-spirit coordination.
Herbal remedies :Â Slikona Guggul Amritprabha Medohar Guggul Laxigen Pulmotone Kasno Suswas
Panchkarma :Â Herbal ayurveda massages with dry powders, Dry Pind swed massage, Herbal steam
Kapha related disorders:Â Diabetes, asthma, Respiratory disorders, Sinusitis, Obesity, weight gain
Pitta Balancing Diet and Life style
Ayurveda describes treatments for Pitta Dosha in the form of diet, herbal remedies, Panchkarma, marma, yoga, alternative medicines, Traditional ayurveda massage therapy with herbal powders, natural remedies, meditation and Lifestyle to balance Pitta Dosha
it is most important for Pitta’s to eat on time. The Pitta dosha has the strong digestion, so eat cool to warm foods, definitely not hot, spicy, fermented foods. In general favor juicy, cooling foods avoid hot spices, alcohol, vinegar, Deep fried foods, tomatoes, yogurt and cheese. Foods should be fresh and organic, if possible. Avoid leftovers, packaged,canned or bottled foods, processed foods, preservatives, artificial ingredients and salty foods.
Taste preferences:
Sweet Bitter and Astringent
Foods to avoid:
Avoid anything pungent such as chilies, cayenne, jalapeno peppers, sour and salty tastes such as vinegar, alcohol and acidic foods. Fermented foods such as Fermented soy bean products, tempeh, Breads, cheese.
Fruits : Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, olives, orange, peach, sour grapes, pineapple, berries, cherries, prunes, banana, lemon, lime, cherries
Vegetables :Tomatoes and tomato sauce, radish, beets, spinach, raw onions.
Nuts : Peanuts and cashews.
Dairy: Yogurt, salted cheese (especially aged and such as feta or blue cheese),sour cream, cream cheese, ice cream
Sweeteners : Molasses, brown sugar, honey (only add after heating is complete)
Oils: Almond, corn, safflower, sesame, canola
Spices: Chili peppers, cayenne, onion, garlic, mustard seeds, cloves, celery seeds, fenugreek, mustard, asafetida (hing), ginger, black pepper, tamarind.
Non veg : Seafood, fish, beef, pork, lamb, egg yolk.
Life style to avoid
Pitta Dosha is aggravated and increased during Summer.
Mental and emotional peace and constructive lifestyle routines are important to restoring and maintaining balance.
Avoid drinks with high caffeine, coffee, soft drinks, carbonated drinks which increase acidic Pitta.
Avoid ready made, tinned and micro waved foods! They are devoid of real nutritional value, Deplete the digestive fire and produce toxins in the body.
Foods to enjoy:
Since Pitta is a Hot, Fluid, sharp dosha Cool to lukewarm drinks according to Preference, sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes, soft, nourishing foods, such as Khichadi, Mung, porridge are good for balancing Pitta
Need to eat food often. Their blood sugar drops easily and it is not good for them to go long periods without food. Snacking is important to them. ‘Little and Often’ is their motto.
LEGUMES : Mung beans, small kidney beans, non-fermented soy bean products; tofu is okay, as are other beans, in moderation, however avoid tempeh.
Fruits : All sweet fruits are Good for Pitta like Apples, Apricot, Avocado, coconut, Dates, Figs, Sweet Grapes, Papaya, melons.
GRAINS : White rice (basmati, jasmine, etc.) barley, oats, quinoa, kamut, amaranth, millet, whole wheat, whole grain bread (toasted).
VEGETABLES : Yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber, kale, bok choy, winter squashes, asparagus, artichokes, okra, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, cilantro, sprouts, lettuce, chard, Brussels sprouts, parsley, sweet corn, alfalfa sprouts, mushrooms, all green leafy vegetables (except spinach)
NUTS & SEEDS : Pumpkin seeds and blanched (i.e.peeled) almonds in small amounts, sunflower seeds.
Dairy like butter, cheese, yogurt and clarified butter (ghee) are generally good for you.
SWEETENERS: Raw Cane Sugar (in small amounts), date sugar, maple sugar, jaggery, Apple sauce
OILS: Ghee is best; olive or coconut oils. For massage use coconut oil
SPICES: Coriander, cilantro, cumin, turmeric, saffron, fennel, cardamom, parsley, fresh basil, mint
NON-VEGETARIAN: Chicken, turkey, egg whites, fresh water (river) fish.
Breakfast is highly recommended. Use warm cereals such as cream of rice or oat meal or any other breakfast that is warm, milky and sweet. Take a warm herbal tea with snacks in the late afternoon. Use warm moist soupy foods such as cooked grains and cereals, bowl of warm oatmeal or cup of vegetable soup .Warm milk is good. You can add a little sugar or ghee and a pinch of turmeric or Cardamom powder to it if you prefer.
1. Stay cool physically and emotionally. Avoid going out in the heat of the day, especially on an empty stomach or after you have eaten hot or spicy foods. Avoid exercising in hot place.
2. Avoid skipping meals, fasting and suppressing hunger. Start your day with cooked fruit, followed by some cereal. 1 tsf of ghee in the morning with warm milk or tea helps to balance acid level and improve digestive fire. Eat a sustaining meal at lunch and a lighter meal for dinner. For snacking, choose sweet juicy fruit–fully ripe mangoes, sweet pears and sweet juicy grapes are excellent Pitta-pacifying choices. Delaying meals can cause excess acidity, so eat on time. Cumin coriander and fennel water is a good drink throughout the day especially in summer to balance heat and improves urinary tract flushing.
3. Daily elimination is very important to prevent ama from accumulating in the body. Natural herbal Remedies include A tea spoon full Triphala at bedtime with warm water helps detoxifying and promotes regularity as well as toning the digestive system. Since Triphala is gentle, not habit forming it can be taken regularly.
4. To soothe sensitive skin, to balance the emotions and to nourish and tone muscles and nerves, indulge in an ayurvedic massage every morning before you bathe or shower. Use coconut oil for your massage. Two or three time a week, massage your scalp with warm coconut or herbal ayurvedic hair oils, and let the oil stay for overnight or atleast three hours before you shampoo. After your shower or bath, apply a pure, gentle moisturizer all over your body or spray your skin with pure rose or sandalwood water to keep your skin feeling cool all day long.
5. Protect yourself from the heat. Stay cool in warm weather by wearing loose cotton clothing. Use Umbrella or Wear a wide-brimmed hat and Branded sunglasses to protect your eyes when you go out. Drink lots of room temperature water.
6. Water-based activities are ideal exercise for Pitta-dominant people. Try swimming or aqua-aerobics to stay fit but cool. Walking Yoga asana and Meditation would also be good for Pitta if learned from a trained yoga teacher. Set aside about 30 minutes each day for meditation, to help balance the heart and emotions and to enhance body-mind-spirit coordination
7. Ayurveda says if Pitta dosha is out of balance, you may find that you can fall asleep without much trouble, but you wake up in the very early hours and find it difficult to get back to sleep. It is important to get to bed early, so that you can get adequate rest each night. A cup of warm milk, with some cardamom, applying ghee on the temples and below the feet can be helpful before bedtime.
8. Balance work and play Unwind the mind everyday by listening to soft music and watching funny movies. Do not get so absorbed in a project that you are unable to detach from it.
Herbal remedies:Â Apitta Supitta Amtitkala, Brahmi , Laxigen
Kitchen remedy:Â Cumin coriender and fennel powder in a cup of water
It is most important for Vata’s to eat regularly (little and often). The Vata dosha has the weakest digestion, so eat warm moist foods, definitely not dry, cold, hard foods that are difficult to digest or drink ice-cold water that will kill the digestive fire.
Taste preferences:
Sweet, Sour and Salty.
Foods to avoid:
Avoid anything pungent. It has a drying affect on your system. Ideally, in the summer, prefer Sour and salty tastes. Consume salty and pungent foods in the winter. Use sweet taste as a Supplement during both seasons. Heavy and hard to digest foods such as Wheat, meat (especially red meat) and refined sugar severely decrease the digestive fire (agni) that produce mucus and toxins (aam).
Diet and Lifestyle to balance Pitta Dosha
It is most important for Pitta’s to eat on time. The Pitta dosha has the strong digestion, so eat cool to warm foods, definitely not hot, spicy, fermented foods. In general favor juicy, cooling foods avoid hot spices, alcohol, vinegar, Deep fried foods, tomatoes, yogurt and cheese. Foods should be fresh and organic, if possible. Avoid leftovers, packaged, canned or bottled foods, processed foods, preservatives, artificial ingredients and salty foods.
Taste preferences: Sweet Bitter and Astringent
Foods to avoid:
Avoid anything pungent such as chilies, cayenne, jalapeno peppers, sour and salty tastes such as vinegar, alcohol and acidic foods. Fermented foods such as Fermented soy bean products, tempeh, Breads, cheese.
Fruits Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, olives, orange, peach, sour grapes, pineapple, berries, cherries, prunes, banana, lemon, lime, cherries
Vegetables Tomatoes and tomato sauce, radish, beets, spinach, raw onions.
Nuts Peanuts and cashews.
Dairy Yogurt, salted cheese (especially aged and such as feta or blue cheese),sour cream, cream cheese, ice cream
Sweeteners Molasses, brown sugar, honey (only add after heating is complete)
Oils:Â Almond, corn, safflower, sesame, canola
Spices Chili peppers, cayenne, onion, garlic, mustard seeds, cloves, celery seeds, fenugreek, mustard, asafetida (hing), ginger, black pepper, tamarind.
Non veg Seafood, fish, beef, pork, lamb, egg yolk.
Pitta Dosha is aggravated and increased during Summer.
Mental and emotional peace and constructive lifestyle routines are important to restoring and maintaining balance.
Avoid drinks with high caffeine, coffee, soft drinks, carbonated drinks which increase acidic Pitta.
Avoid ready made, tinned and micro waved foods! They are devoid of real nutritional value, Deplete the digestive fire and produce toxins in the body.
Foods to enjoy:
Since Pitta is a Hot, Fluid, sharp dosha Cool to lukewarm drinks according to
Preference, sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes, soft, nourishing foods, such as Khichadi, Mung, porridge are good for balancing Pitta
Need to eat food often. Their blood sugar drops easily and it is not good for them to go long periods without food. Snacking is important to them. ‘Little and Often’ is their motto.
LEGUMES Mung beans, small kidney beans, non-fermented soy bean products; tofu is okay, as are other beans, in moderation, however avoid tempeh.
Fruits All sweet fruits are Good for Pitta like Apples, Apricot, Avocado, coconut, Dates, Figs, Sweet Grapes, Papaya, melons.
GRAINSÂ White rice (basmati, jasmine, etc.) barley, oats, quinoa, kamut, amaranth, millet, whole wheat, whole grain bread (toasted).
VEGETABLESÂ Yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber, kale, bok choy, winter squashes, asparagus, artichokes, okra, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, cilantro, sprouts, lettuce, chard, Brussels sprouts, parsley, sweet corn, alfalfa sprouts, mushrooms, all green leafy vegetables (except spinach)
NUTS & SEEDSÂ Pumpkin seeds and blanched (i.e.peeled) almonds in small amounts, sunflower seeds.
Dairy like butter, cheese, yogurt and clarified butter (ghee) are generally good for you.
SWEETENERS:Â Raw Cane Sugar (in small amounts), date sugar, maple sugar, jaggery, Apple sauce
OILS:Â Ghee is best; olive or coconut oils. For massage use coconut oil
SPICES:Â Coriander, cilantro, cumin, turmeric, saffron, fennel, cardamom, parsley, fresh basil, mint
NON-VEGETARIAN:Â Chicken, turkey, egg whites, fresh water (river) fish.
Breakfast is highly recommended. Use warm cereals such as cream of rice or oat meal or any other breakfast that is warm, milky and sweet. Take a warm herbal tea with snacks in the late afternoon. Use warm moist soupy foods such as cooked grains and cereals, bowl of warm oatmeal or cup of vegetable soup .Warm milk is good. You can add a little sugar or ghee and a pinch of turmeric or Cardamom powder to it if you prefer.
Disclaimer: The above article is educational in nature, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician. Ayurveda Healthy Balancing Recipes